Don't be a Water Waster!

 Waterless Car Wash and Protectant from Waterless Research Labs is a unique fully patented new product. It's a high gloss polymer protectant that is very easy to apply. This product saves water as well as time and money.

A 16oz. bottle will provide 5 to 10 applications depending on the vehicle. It leaves a beautiful and long lasting gloss that will stand up to weather and soot. A quick dusting will restore the shine for up to 3 weeks, until another application.

 The product provides a hydrophobic surface of relatively high lubricity to which dust cannot adhere. While it sounds too good to be true, it absolutely works as promised!

We're making it available in handy 16 oz. spray bottles.

The price? just $12.95 per bottle (16oz) click here to order

Dealers/Distributors: phone direct 702-264-0539

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